My father-in-law used to share philosophical quips with me and thankfully some of them have stayed with me. One of my favorites simply states that, “Good enough, seldom is!”
Seriously, that’s a doosie! Doing as good as you CAN is a totally different statement than doing as good as POSSIBLE. Seems like semantics, but I know the difference; I have experienced the difference.
Just last week someone told me, “I’m being as honest as I can…” which led me to believe that more honesty was accessible, just not to this person at this particular time.” Lame!
I like giving all that I have all of the time, which sometimes comes at a price, but it beats giving just enough to get by and having to live with that shame. For instance, I can tell you that I gave my all in making the 2009 Tennessee State Fair a completely new experience. I can prove to you that perceptions were changed and the vibe was positive and that people who hadn’t been there in a decade enjoyed the fair. I can show you financial reports on increased sponsorship dollars and decreased advertising spending with nearly double the exposure. I can put on paper all the reasons why this was such a success. And I can also tell you that my best just wasn’t good enough to save the fair.
It’s over; cancelled after 104 years to make way for “progress.” So what can you tell yourself after an end result like that? You say, “atta girl,” because you know (as I do) that you gave it your all, your best, your “hundred percent.”
There are times that you just have to sit back and know, that no matter what you did or didn’t do, the decision was already made or the wheels were already in motion, but that should not stop you from celebrating the accomplishments–even the little ones. Remind yourself that some things are outside of your control. And sometimes you just have to give yourself credit where it’s due and move on.
So move on I do! Where? I don’t know yet. When? Starting today, I guess. How? One day at a time. Why? Because curling up in a ball isn’t an option.
THIS is the time the champion sprints out to take the lead; this is when thoroughbred shows her Divine blood line; this is where we separate the men from the boys, boys! It’s show time!
I know, I sound like a crazy woman, but honestly this is one of those amazing times I’m forced to reinvent myself for the next big thing. I would have stayed and fought and kicked and scratched until the fair died an honorable death…this way, I’m free to roam about the universe. How cool is that?
The old saying about pulling oneself up by their bootstraps makes me want to hit something…this is more about knowing that I did the best job possible and I’m closing down this year with a sense of dignity because I gave it my all.
Cindy Morris says
My heart goes out to you, Chrysty, at the grief of the fair closing and I applaud you for your wonderful attitude. I really needed to hear your words today. I feel pretty defeated myself. I have put so much of myself into my various projects and, for whatever reasons, things are just not working out as I had hoped. Many a morning I wake up in a panic and I have to coax myself into facing another day of uncertainty and rejection. Sometimes I am just so tired of dealing with things (and myself) the curl-up-in-a-ball option does seem enticing. But the entrepreneurial spirit in me always wins out. We are some gamblers, aren’t we? I get up and try something else. Eventually something else will work or I will go out trying!
Cindy Morris, msw
Priestess Entrepreneur
Chrysty says
You may already be helping someone else by merely being who you are. You know as well as I that all “accomplishments” cannot be tabulated by dollars or promotions. You brought me the satisfaction today (which I really needed reinforcement on) that I wrote something worth reading. Thank you!