Showing your passion for your business (tactfully)
Many times I’ve seen women shy away from showing their true passion for what they are doing because they feel it may come across as too promotional. Well consider this: If you are truly passionate about your business and the benefits it has for others—you must share it! No one will ever be able to show more passion for your business than you.
You just have to make sure that you are sharing that passion tactfully—make it about who you serve, not about you. If someone will buy what you are offering, that means it must have benefit and value, right? Talk in benefits for the end user only, and you will be able to inspire others to get behind your business idea.
Being a great connector after all is about being able to help others as much as it is about helping yourself. That’s why, if you have true passion for what you are doing and how you impact the lives of others, you’ll want to share it, and people will want to hear about it.
Next Tuesday: Joining a Women’s Organization – Making Connections and Building Relationships using all of your Connector Tools.