Over the years more and more women are launching their own businesses and brands. The Women’s Business Development Center in Chicago recently had its 25th Anniversary Conference (http://www.suntimes.com/business/7617557-420/women-entrepreneurs-see-progress-over-25-years.html). They have said that there has been an enormous amount of growth in women-owned businesses, but there are still places that are lagging and in a way the same issue still persists….money.
Twenty five years ago it was rare to see a business owned solely by a women, banks would not lend to women unless they had a husband, father, brother, or other male cosigner with them. Today banks and society have come a long way, but the economy is killing everyone and women are fighting to keep or acquire their funding.
Women-owned businesses are an essential part of the economy and society. Banks recognize the ability for these businesses to create jobs and stimulate the economy. The Women’s Business Center says it urges its clients to pursue joint ventures, partnerships, etc., to score the big contracts that many of these businesses will need to survive.
The bottom line is, women are going to need to do exactly what they started out to do with their business: be resourceful and think outside the box.
Thank you for the inspiring article. Yes, I know we need to continue to think outside the box in order for our dreams to survive.
Its so hard to believe that so much have changed in just 25 years! i mean to think that only 2.5 decades ago, women couldnt even get a loan without men being their cosinger, is just crazy!!! Even though there are still disadvantages and discrimination against women these days, I really wish that female workers and entrepreneurs continue to try hard and push themselves to achieve and earn what they are looking for. oh but quick question, what does thinking outside the box mean?(im a guy by the way in case you are confused why i would ask that haha)