Guest post by Lani Hay (learn more about Lani at the end of this post)
Whether its politics, business, the armed services or other endeavors, women have accomplished a great deal throughout our nation’s history. Women have become leaders on Wall Street and on Main Street. They have walked the halls of Congress, served on military battlefields and served as leaders within their communities and for the nation at large.
As an entrepreneur, small business owner and a military veteran, I pay tribute to those women that came before me. I proudly today stand on their shoulders, while working to encourage future generations of women to continue to achieve great things for our country and around the world, just as my predecessors had done before me.
During National Women’s History Month in March and after, we should take time to say thank you and show appreciation to the women who have meant so much in our own lives, as well as those who have had an impact in our communities.
Throughout the years I have had mentors at every single stage of my life that have taught me life lessons that I practice and carry with me to this day. Whether it was my mother or mentors in the world of politics, business and the military, women in their unique way have taught me valuable lessons and answered questions that have helped me become a better person, a successful entrepreneur and a citizen that has given back to her country, much like the fellow women that fight on the battlefields everyday to protect our country.
We cannot forget the barriers that women had to overcome and we must celebrate what women have accomplished throughout our nation’s history. It is our duty to remember that we as women must continue to help, mentor and teach future generations of women as they embark upon life’s challenges and obstacles.
With these thoughts in mind, please remember to say thank you to the women that have impacted your life this month. Saying thank you goes a long way as we pay tribute to those women that have helped pave the way for our generation of women.
As we say thank you, we cannot rest on the laurels of the achievements of past generations of women. Instead we must remember their achievements while progressing forward. It is our duty to lead by example and to continue the fight for equality in this country and around the world. We cannot rest until we achieve this goal.
About the Author
Lani Hay is CEO of Lanmark Technology Inc., an information technology services company in Vienna, Virginia