New studies by, reveal the differences between how women small business owners use the web and social media to grow their businesses in comparison to male small business owners. first interviewed 3,000 consumers and small business decision makers to determine if there are gaps between the two groups related to small business perceptions.
Interestingly, the researchers discovered that women small business decision makers who are also consumers disagree with men when it comes to extending the power of personal relationships from in-person to social media and the web. In fact, the difference is quite significant. Overall, 48% of women small business decision makers believe that offline personal relationships become more powerful when they’re extended online, which is 16% higher than male small business decision makers. also surveyed 850 small business owners and offered the following key learnings:
- Women value relationships more than men when determining preference for small business.
- Women outpace men in valuing the web and social media as key to their online marketing mix.
- Women are using social media more aggressively than men to grow their businesses.
You can see the key statistics from the study in the infographic below.
How much do you value both face-to-face and online relationships to grow your business? Leave a comment and share your thoughts.
It’s not easy to market your product and I’m not much of a blogger. They says use Facebook, Pinterest or Google. So many options, so little time.