Yoga has been practiced for centuries and is now more utilized than ever across the globe. The benefits of yoga are many and when you consider how many hours in a week, in a month or in a year you spend working, it becomes quite clear just how valuable those benefits are in your work day itself.
The function or objective in the practice of yoga is to bring about a unity of the mind, body and spirit. Some of the numerous benefits of yoga include:
- Better flexibility
- Detoxification of the system
- Muscle toning
- Corrected posture
- Mood relaxation
- Reduced stored fat
- Injury prevention
Given the accumulated stresses and strains involved in women’s careers, home life as well as the impacts of society and the economy, it can all really take a toll on health, moods and mental clarity and focus in general. There were some sample yoga poses to try on that I thought I would share. These simple exercises can be done by anyone and can begin the positive effects of yoga.
Hypertension can be caused by emotional jumping up and down, stress and anxiety. The Shavasana pose is especially recommended for anyone with hypertension or at risk for it. This should be done anywhere from 15-20 minutes per day. This is very easily done by laying down with legs supine and arms at your side with just regular, deep breathing and relaxing of the muscles. This will increase mental energy by assisting the nervous system.
Obesity is another health hazard always seemingly on the rise. The danger of obesity is that it leads to such dangerous health risks such as diabetes, heart problems and hypertension. A yoga exercise suggested for anyone more susceptible to obesity is Ardha-halasana and rotating exercise. Again lie supine on the floor. Raise both legs at the same time slowly, moving them to an angle of 30 degrees, then 45 degrees and then 60 degrees. Repeat this action 3-5 times. See the website listed above for a diagram of these exercises as well as additional suggested yoga exercises, or “asanas”.
This is a great way to introduce the benefits and feeling of yoga. There are always a wonderful variety of different types of yoga at the local library or movie rental stores to sample and see which styles might be right for you. Namaste! (Thank you!!)
anxietydepression says
i do Yoga everyday for the purpose of relaxation. Yoga really helps me in getting a very relaxed mind and body.
Jimmy says
I started taking Yoga lessons last month and i am amazed of how it can take away the stress of my mind and body.
Kember says
it is easy to learn Yoga although it seems difficult at first try. I practice Yoga mainly for relaxation and for improving my blood circulation.
TEH says
This video course is a great option for career women because it’s easy to use in terms of level and time commitment.